ChurchES & Charity organisations

All Churches and Charities receive 25% off our regular Bookkeeping Fees

We look after your money while you look after your ministry!

Enthusia Bookkeeping combines Jen’s background in church ministry and community groups, with her 38 year accounting experience. The powerful combination of her deep understanding of compliance and bookkeeping, and her insight into the corporate and financial side of running churches and charities, is just the support you need for your church or charity organisation.

Whether you need help with a little or a lot, Enthusia’s team of expert bookkeepers can partner with you and your team, to fill in any gaps. We have a wealth of experience across multiple church movements right around Australia. Whatever your experience or staffing levels cover, we can provide a well rounded stack of services including, day to day bookkeeping, church & NFP payroll, ATO & ACNC compliance as well Xero Setups & Training.

Services for Churches & Charity Organisations:

  • Bookkeeping Services
  • Bill Payments & Invoicing
  • Reporting & Budgets
  • BAS Lodgements
  • Payroll Services (incl. fringe benefits & salary sacrificing)
  • ACNC Reporting
  • Audit Assistance
  • Fixed Asset Register
  • Consulting Services
  • Bookkeeping Training

Are you:

    • Confused about fringe benefits and salary sacrificing? We’ll fill you in and get you started.
    • Struggling to get the bills paid or the books done when staff levels are low or they’re away on leave? We can pay your bills, do payroll and bookkeeping, remotely. Short- or long-term options available.
    • A pastor doing the books, solo, in a regional town and want to be transparent, needing a level of separation for accountability? We can provide the unique line of protection you need.
    • Needing to convert to a more streamlined, paperless system? We do conversions and set-ups.
    • Need to upskill yourself or your team with the latest technology? We provide training for your in-house finance personnel.

Reach out to discuss how we can assist you with just a little bit or the complete process as your Virtual Finance Manager.

Our Quoting Process

At Enthusia, our point of difference is that we provide you with packaging specific to the needs of your organisation. Please get in touch and we can put together an accurate quote. Whether you’re a Church, Charity or Small Business, Enthusia has you covered! 

Love From Our Clients


Book a consult or get a quote!

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